Saturday, November 12, 2016

Glassing the blades, and more

Four hours today after a long hiatus due to many other commitments... and we passed the 500 hours mark!

I had noticed that the akas were not staying flat on the wooden supports. So we checked that the boat was level both longitudinally and atwartship, put some plastic tape under two of the aka beams and used them to properly level a layer of thickened (microfibers+silica) resin spread on the top of each pad. Tomorrow we'll see if this worked out properly. We might also wanto to put a thin (a few mm) piece of hard rubber to improve the contact between the akas and the supports.

We then glassed the first side of rudder and daggerboard with two layers of 160 g/sq.m. cloth (one 0-90, the other +45/-45) and clear resin. Here's Cinzia cutting the cloth to size

and here are the two blades glassed on one side

BTW we decided not to proceed with thickening the trailing side of the blades. We'll cut the clot flush along the sharp edge and we'll make sure to thoroughly coat it.

Total work time to date: 501 hours


  1. ottimo lavoro direi!
    Posso chiederti quale fornitore di legname stai usando? Una rivenditore indipendente locale o una catena di fai da te (tipo brico, bricoman, etc.). Io ho fatto fatica a trovare il legno che volevo, pur abitando in un grosso centro come Torino.

  2. Ciao Enrico. Il compensato l'abbiamo comperato da Nord Compensati, il resto (essenzialmente abete) da fornitori locali. Ogni tanto capito a Torino per lavoro: bisogna che ci incontriamo prima o poi...
